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Fans and Friends of CheckMyTour,

some years ago, in summer 2010, we decided to combine our passions for IT, smartphones and motorbiking: We developed CheckMyTour and launched it in April 2011 such that joint tours could be planned, tracked, and shared with friends. Over the next years, we added more and more platforms, including Android and Windows Phone, and frequent updates included lots of new features many of which have been initiated by proposals and requests of our fans.

We continually managed to grow and win new friends, a strong community of fans tracked many interesting tours. As of today, we collected nearly 100.000 downloads of our apps and more than 300.000 tracks cover nearly 20 million kilometers all over the world which have been uploaded to the portal including photos and comments.

So far, so good. Unfortunately, we had to realize that the success and growth rate of the platform is below our expectations. While we have a strong community of fans, winning new touring friends becomes ever more difficult. Furthermore, maintaining and developing the app requires more and more effort due to the various operating systems and devices which need to be supported; and while we are happy to win many fans abroad, internationalization adds more work for our support team, too. To summarize, there is a significant increase in effort while we only see limited growth and success.

Consequently, we decided with heavy hearts to 
discontinue CheckMyTour. We have already removed the apps from the app stores and will be shutting down the CheckMyTour portal after June 30, 2016. This should give you enough time to download and save your private tracking data.

We can assure you that this was a very difficult and also emotional decision for us. But given the current situation, there is little sense in further developing CheckMyTour. 

WE WANT TO THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your support. 

Enjoy your tours. 

Drive Safely! Always keep the shiny side up!

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